Driving Socio-Economic Diversity at Senior Level across UK Financial Services

Driving Socio-Economic Diversity at Senior Level across UK Financial Services

Driving Socio-Economic Diversity at Senior Level across UK Financial Services


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To  see who we work with please click below buttons

To  see who we work with please click below buttons

Improving socio-economic diversity and inclusion at senior levels will result in increased innovation and greater creativity.

UK Financial Services firms are invited to join our new membership body. The first of its kind focusing on progression, retention and socio-economic diversity. Launched as part of a government commissioned taskforce, with a supporter network of over 100 employers.

Have an impact across the sector and demonstrate your commitment to making a change. Boost your ‘S’ in the ESG credentials, at the same time as attracting and retaining the best talent.

Progress Together aims to level the playing field – To create a financial services sector in the United Kingdom in which everyone working in it, from all socio-economic backgrounds, is both enabled and has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

A diverse workforce brings different perspectives that will inevitably lead to better decision-making, new approaches and higher productivity.  By making the most of all talent within the firm, organisations will maximise their global competitiveness.

Focusing specifically on progression and retention, Progress Together supports UK financial services employers to share best practice with peers and clients, benchmark against each other in a safe environment, and boost collective efforts.

About Progress Together

Progress Together launched in 2022, the result of a Government Commissioned taskforce led by the City of London Corporation and delivered by Connectr and a group of committed organisations.

Through a series of workshops, resources, firm to firm mentoring and benchmarking, Progress Together helps our members to progress and retain a socio-economically diverse workforce. We focus on socio-economic diversity at senior levels, defined as Non-Executive Board, Executive Committee and two levels down.

Progress Together identifies emerging issues and advocates for the necessary changes in policy and practice. We focus SOLELY on the financial services industry, working with financial services employers of all sizes across the UK.

While we focus on progression and retention, we collaborate with existing groups that are focused on the wider socio-economic diversity eco-system and who share our values.

About Progress Together

Progress Together launched in 2022, as part of a Government Commissioned taskforce led by the City of London Corporation and delivered by Connectr and a group of committed organisations.

Through a series of workshops, resources, firm to firm mentoring and benchmarking, Progress Together helps our members to progress and retain a socio-economically diverse workforce.  We focus on socio-economic diversity at senior levels, defined as Non-Executive Board, Executive Committee and two levels down.

Progress Together identifies emerging issues and advocates for the necessary changes in policy and practice. We focus SOLELY on the financial services industry, working with financial services employers of all sizes across the UK.

While we focus on progression and retention, we collaborate with existing groups that are focused on the wider socio-economic diversity eco-system and who share our values.

Our Partners

Our Founding Partners

Our Founding Partners

What people say about us

“We need to build a more inclusive society where everyone has a fair opportunity to succeed. A workforce that fully reflects the socioeconomic make-up of the people around it is critical to creating business value. The benefits of this progress – which accrue not just to individuals and organisations, but to wider UK society and the economy – are too important to ignore.”


“The legal sector still has a long way to go to create an inclusive workplace where everyone has the opportunity to access and thrive regardless of background. Coming together is an important step to our respective industries being more representative of society.”

A&O Shearman

“Helping to create a diverse, inclusive society is a fundamental part of living up to our purpose. It means being there for our people, serving our customers well, and helping to contribute to fairer, more equal communities. We are committed to levelling the playing field and making social mobility in business a reality.”


“AXA UK&I is committed to making the Financial Services sector fairer and more diverse by removing barriers, and enabling everyone to thrive, regardless of life stage, lifestyle, background or heritage.  As a founding partner, we’re confident that by working together, we can create a sector where people feel they belong and can achieve their full potential.”


“We’re proud to have a compassionate, people-centred culture where our people feel valued and supported to thrive in their careers. Through our involvement in this new body, we want to ensure that socio-economic background is not a barrier to a successful career, either within Fidelity or in the wider financial services sector.”

Fidelity International

“Inclusive leadership teams not only help create a positive culture within a business, but also deliver better decision-making, and are more attractive to top talent when recruiting.
Increasing socio-economic diversity at all levels is a key priority for our industry and through ongoing initiatives including Investment 20/20’s efforts to attract diverse talent from the ground up, we hope the boardrooms of the future will look very different.”

Investment Association

“Inclusion and diversity is so important for many reasons, from boosting diversity of thought and innovation at all levels, to enabling creativity and developing organisational effectiveness, and we know it’s particularly important to our customers as well.
We are delighted to be supporters of Progress Together and look forward to working with the City of London Corporation and its membership body on the practical approaches firms can take to enable everyone from all walks of life to achieve their full potential in our industry, whatever their backgrounds may be.”


“We are greatly encouraged that the UK Financial Services now has its own peer network to advance socio-economic diversity and inclusion among senior people. The group promises to enable the sharing of data, effective practice; and to ensure there is accountability and a collective voice to advocate this vital agenda. As evidenced in Bridge Group research, the rewards will be a more engaged and productive workforce, and a more resilient and sustainable sector.”

The Bridge Group

“Improving the socio-economic diversity of our industry is essential to reflect the community it serves and ensure its ongoing success. We are very pleased to support Progress Together, which builds on the vital ongoing work of the Financial Services Socio-Economic Diversity Taskforce. Capable individuals should be able to succeed on their own merits, regardless of their background. We hope that businesses will seize the opportunity Progress Together provides to develop and retain diverse leadership talent.”

The CityUK

“It’s vital industry tackles the issue of socio-economic diversity at senior levels across UK financial services, if we are to attract and retain the necessary skills and talent the sector requires to remain diverse,  inclusive and globally competitive.”

The Financial Services Skills Commission

“Diversity is crucial to success. Attracting and retaining talented people who can understand and embrace different perspectives ultimately leads to more insightful and innovative perspectives for clients.”


“We’re delighted to be a supporter of this initiative. Enabling new pathways and equal progression for diverse talent from all backgrounds is essential for our vision and strategy for the financial services industry in Scotland.”

Scottish Financial Enterprise

“We are pleased to support Progress Together – working together to give people control over their own destinies, and unleash their true potential to help improve socio-economic inclusion across the sector.”

Social Mobility Commission

“As social mobility rises up the business agenda it’s so important to focus not just on outreach and early careers, but also on creating the conditions in which people can stay, thrive and lead. We welcome the launch of Progress Together and look forward to working with its members to drive socioeconomic diversity at senior levels.”

Social Mobility Foundation

“Through our own work supporting young people into the financial services sector, we know how vital a collaborative approach is to make sustained change across the sector. We are delighted to support the Progress Together initiative to further support socio-economic progress through to the very top level, ensuring that those that we are supporting to access the sector have the same opportunities to progress and thrive in their careers.”

The Sutton Trust

Our Supporters

Our Supporters

Our Supporters

Our Members

Chair of Progress Together,
Alderman Vincent Keaveny

“It is imperative that we create a financial services sector that is globally competitive, and we will only achieve that if we can take advantage of the diversity of talent that we are fortunate enough to have in the UK.

I am delighted to have spearheaded the development of Progress Together and am optimistic for the progress our economy will make, as a result of this unique membership body.”

Chair of Progress Together,
Alderman Vincent Keaveny

“It is imperative that we create a financial services sector that is globally competitive, and we will only achieve that if we can take advantage of the diversity of talent that we are fortunate enough to have in the UK.

I am delighted to have spearheaded the development of Progress Together and am optimistic for the progress our economy will make, as a result of this unique membership body.”

Progress Together News

Become a Member


  • Access to a safe environment to share best practice with peers
  • Firm to firm mentoring
  • Tools for internal and external advocacy work
  • Toolkits & best practice to help drive internal change
  • Assessment tools
  • Public recognition of your organisation’s progress, from wherever you are on the journey
  • Access to a safe environment to share best practice with peers
  • Firm to firm mentoring
  • Tools for internal and external advocacy work
  • Toolkits & best practice to help drive internal change
  • Assessment tools
  • Public recognition of your organisation’s progress, from wherever you are on the journey

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